1.The Ideal-Gas Equation理想氣體狀態方程
2.Partial Pressures分壓
3.Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior真實氣體:對理想氣體行為的偏離4.The van der Waals Equation范德華方程
5.System and Surroundings系統與環境
6.State and State Functions狀態與狀態函數7.Process過程
9.The First Law of Thermodynamics熱力學一定律10.Heat and Work熱與功
11.Endothermic and Exothermic Processes吸熱與發熱過程12.Enthalpies of Reactions反應熱
13.Hess’s Law蓋斯定律
14.Enthalpies of Formation生成焓
15.Reaction Rates反應速率
16.Reaction Order反應級數
17.Rate Constants速率常數
18.Activation Energy活化能
19.The Arrhenius Equation阿累尼烏斯方程
20.Reaction Mechanisms反應機理
21.Homogeneous Catalysis均相催化劑
22.Heterogeneous Catalysis非均相催化劑
24.The Equilibrium Constant平衡常數
25.the Direction of Reaction反應方向
26.Le Chatelier’s Principle列·沙特列原理27.Effects of Volume, Pressure, Temperature Changes and Catalysts 體積,壓力,溫度變化以及催化劑的影響28.Spontaneous Processes自發過程
29.Entropy (Standard Entropy)熵(標準熵)30.The Second Law of Thermodynamics熱力學二定律31.Entropy Changes熵變
32.Standard Free-Energy Changes標準自由能變33.Acid-Bases酸堿
34.The Dissociation of Water水離解
35.The Proton in Water水合質子
36.The pH Scales pH值
37.Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases Bronsted-Lowry酸和堿38. Proton-Transfer Reactions質子轉移反應39. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs共軛酸堿對
40. Relative Strength of Acids and Bases酸堿的相對強度41. Lewis Acids and Bases路易斯酸堿
42. Hydrolysis of Metal Ions金屬離子的水解43. Buffer Solutions緩沖溶液
44. The Common-Ion Effects同離子效應
45. Buffer Capacity緩沖容量
46. Formation of Complex Ions配離子的形成47. Solubility溶解度
48. The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp溶度積常數49. Precipitation and separation of Ions離子的沉淀與分離50. Selective Precipitation of Ions離子的選擇沉淀51. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions氧化還原反應52. Oxidation Number氧化數
53. Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations氧化還原反應方程的配平54. Half-Reaction半反應
55. Galvani Cell原電池
56. Voltaic Cell伏特電池
57. Cell EMF電池電動勢
58. Standard Electrode Potentials標準電極電勢59. Oxidizing and Reducing Agents氧化劑和還原劑60. The Nernst Equation能斯特方程
61. Electrolysis電解
62. The Wave Behavior of Electrons電子的波動性63. Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom氫原子的波爾模型64. Line Spectra線光譜
65. Quantum Numbers量子數
66. Electron Spin電子自旋
67. Atomic Orbital原子軌道
68. The s (p, d, f) Orbital s(p,d,f)軌道69. Many-Electron Atoms多電子原子
70. Energies of Orbital軌道能量
71. The Pauli Exclusion Principle泡林不相容原理72. Electron Configurations電子構型
73. The Periodic Table周期表
74. Row行
75. Group族
76. Isotopes, Atomic Numbers, and Mass Numbers同位素,原子數, 質量數77. Periodic Properties of the Elements元素的周期律78. Radius of Atoms原子半徑
79. Ionization Energy電離能
80. Electronegativity電負性
81. Effective Nuclear Charge有效核電荷
82. Electron Affinities親電性
83. Metals金屬
84. Nonmetals非金屬
85. Valence Bond Theory價鍵理論
86. Covalence Bond共價鍵
87. Orbital Overlap軌道重疊
88. Multiple Bonds重鍵
89. Hybrid Orbital雜化軌道
90. The VSEPR Model價層電子對互斥理論
91. Molecular Geometries分子空間構型
92. Molecular Orbital分子軌道
93. Diatomic Molecules雙原子分子
94. Bond Length鍵長
95. Bond Order鍵級
96. Bond Angles鍵角
97. Bond Enthalpies鍵能
98. Bond Polarity鍵矩
99. Dipole Moments偶極矩
100. Polarity Molecules極性分子
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