招生對象:Recruiting students
The BC High School recruits students graduating from middle school and the students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and other international students. We look for excellence in character and learning, and in a positive, healthy attitude.
學費標準:Tuition Fee
Domestic Students (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan): RMB 68000 per year (excluding miscellaneous fees)
International Students (America, Canada, England, Korea, etc.): RMB 88000 per year (excluding miscellaneous fees)
學雜費包含:教材、校服、校車、生活用品、加拿大學籍注冊費和住宿費 (詳細見中加國際高中收費標準)
Miscellaneous fees cover: textbooks, uniforms, school bus transportation, a student activity fee, BC registration fee and boarding fee
1、入學測試:報名者需參加入學英語考試(筆試+面試),成績合格方可入學 Placement Exam:Students write an exam and are interviewed. If they reach the acceptable standard they are enrolled
2、提交材料:初中畢業證書、中考成績單、獲獎證書等材料的復印件、戶口本復印件 6張2寸照片 Materials required:Junior high school graduation certificate, Junior high school graduation report cards, copies of awards certificates, copies of citizenship, 6 photo shots
3、錄取通知:中加國際高中向被錄取的學生寄送錄取通知書 Enrollment Offer:BC high school will send enrollment offer to admitted students
4、入學注冊:新生需按照入學須知的規定及時交納學費、注冊學籍 Registration:New students pay tuition fee and registration fee according to enrollment notice.
蘇州工業園區外國語學校——中加國際高中,為意向前往海外高等院校深造的學生提供濃郁的學術校園氛圍。學校與加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞?。˙C?。┙逃亢献?,并獲得其授予的海外學校認證資格。 學生經入學測試合格后均注冊加拿大(BC省)高中學籍,修滿學分可獲得加拿大(BC?。╊C發的受到世界范圍內高度認可的加拿大高中畢業證書,有助于學生畢業后申請加拿大、美國、英國、澳大利亞及其他英語國家的大學。
The BC High School offers an academic education for students wishing to pursue International Post-Secondary studies. It operates under the auspice of the BC Ministry of Education and provides a fully accredited Canadian high school program. Students who pass our placement exam will be registered in the BC Graduation Program and will receive a Personal Education Number (PEN) registered with the Ministry of Education in Victoria, BC, Canada. When students graduate they receive a Diploma from the Ministry of Education in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The Dogwood Diploma is recognized and highly regarded throughout the English-speaking world, allowing students to apply to universities in Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and other English speaking countries.
學校教學安排完全按照加拿大高中標準,全面引進加拿大 (BC ?。└咧姓n程的過程管理和多元化評價方法,實行 30 人以內的小班教學,確保每個學生與教師有充分的交流機會,確保達到佳教學效果。突出強化培養學生的英語能力、思維能力及創新能力,確保畢業生能很快適應國外的大學教學與生活。
Our classes have fewer than 30 students, which enables each student to communicate with teachers and to achieve positive outcomes. We work to develop student’s capabilities, such as English language skills, and promote problem solving and creativity, to ensure our graduates are prepared for overseas learning.
In addition to classroom teaching, we have extra-curricular activities according to requirements from Ministry of Education. Our school organizes overseas summer camps and has contacts in Canada, the United States and other International Post-Secondary Institutions.
中 加 國 際 高 中 主 要 課 程
BC high school main curriculum |
Graduation requirement |
BC curriculu
(Canadian teachers taught in
英語 English |
Information Technology |
BC graduation requirements: finish 80 credits, pass
5 required BC provincial Exams; Complete
required courses. |
交流 Communications |
社會學 Social Studies |
個人發展規劃 Planning |
數學 Math |
體育 Physical Education |
科學 Science |
藝術 Media Arts |
物理 Physics |
戲劇 Drama |
化學 Chemistry |
市場學 Marketing |
生物 Biology |
中文 Mandarin(選修) |
BC high school
foundation program
BC高中預科課程(Foundations Program)涵蓋了加拿大國際課程必修的英語語言強化課程及BC九年級相關課程,
為學生進入BC高中十年級學習英語(Language English Arts)、數學(Mathematics)、社會(Socials)、科學
(Science)、 計算機(Information Technology)、體育(PE)、音樂(Music)等課程做好準備。
The BC foundation program consists of Preparatory English courses and BC year 9 related courses to help
students prepare for the BC high school program. (Including: English, Math, Social Studies, Science,
Physical Education, Music and use of Information Technology. |
(Foreign teachers and
professiona coaches)
Our clubs play an important part in the lives of the students in our BC Program. We provide students with
a variety of high interest development activities, such as: dance, basketball, football, photography,
business internships, volunteer association, art,oral English, Spanish, Japanese,Korean and French.
Students can start their own clubs, developing their organizational and leadership abilities. We also hire
some professional coaches to run some of the activities. Participating in various clubs is a requirement
of the students. |
課程優勢:Curriculum Advantages
Students receive a “Personal Education Number” registered with the BC Ministry of Education. The “Dogwood” diploma is received upon
graduation. It is highly regarded and accepted throughout the English speaking world.
We use original overseas textbooks and e-textbooks. Student receive a Canadian education without leaving China.
3、小班化教學充分保證教學質量, 學生得到更多關注。
Our small class sizes ensure high quality teaching and personal attention.
We have individual timetables, comprehensive evaluation, the BC exam system. We use Western pedagogy and our school is annually
inspected by government inspectors from the BC governments’ Ministry of Education.
We have Canadian certified teachers whose strengths and Canadian educational training ensure the quality of teaching and the cultivation of
the students' growth. They are supported by National teachers who help in tutoring students and keeping parents informed.
We support our students in applying for overseas universities after graduation. Our Academic Advising department is one of the best in any
Western school in China.
教學管理:Teaching Management
BC中加國際高中所有外籍教師持有BC省教師資格證,負責教學和評價。中外方教師共同輔導學生,提供高質量的教學服務,確保學生在求學之路上穩步前進。 All International teachers are certified by BC Ministry of Education and are responsible for teaching and evaluation. The BC school staff work with classes and individual students in providing first class education and in working with students so our students succeed.
管理特色: Special Features of the BC High School Program
1、堅持全日制、全封閉寄宿的管理模式。 We offer full-time boarding facilities with a school education
2、中外導師制,全程跟蹤同級小組學生學習情況及行為表現;開設輔導時間幫助學生解決疑難問題。 Each Homeroom group consists of one international and one or more national teachers, who keep track of academic performance and social development of a small, grade group of students. They work with the small group throughout the year and provide support to these students. Tutorial time is also provided to help students achieve academic success.
3、開設各類豐富多彩的社團活動對學生意義非凡,可以參與由老師或學生組建的社團:藝術、舞蹈、攝影、校報社、樂隊、競走、模擬聯合國、籃球、羽毛球、足球、室內曲棍球及法語、日語、西班牙語等語言類社團,讓學生在真正意義上全面發展。 Developing extracurricular interests is important for our students. They have the opportunity to participate and sometimes even lead in a variety of clubs generated by teachers or sometimes the students. These have included clubs such as: art, dance, photography, news magazine, Spanish, Japanese, band, walking, speaking, United Nations, basketball, badminton, football and floor hockey.
4、特有的家長會制度,每學年兩次家長、學生、教師見面會,讓家長與學校聯系更密切,更易了解學生學習生活情況。 Twice a year the school holds Parent/Teacher Interviews, which build close teacher/parent relationships so parents have a full understanding of the progress their children are making.
5、每月一次家長顧問團會議,家校雙方相互溝通,即時分享有關校內外活動信息,促進學校建設,有助學生進步。 The BC High School administration meets monthly with a Parent Advisory Council to share information, concerns, issues, and solutions related to the school program.
1、學生必須在三年課程學習中至少獲得80學分。Students are required to obtain at least 80 credits within a three-year program.
80個學分中:48分必修課程學分;28分以上的選修課程學分;4分畢業計劃;至少16個學分應在12年級課程獲得。80 credits includes 48 credits for compulsory courses, more than 28 credits for elective courses, 4 credits for Graduation Transitions. At least 16 credits must be obtained in Grade 12 courses.
2、必須參加的省會考課程:英語10、數學10、科學10、社會11、英語12或(交流12);Courses with provincial exams: English 10,Math 10, Science 10, Social Studies 11, English 12 or Communications 12.
3、凡能夠證明已經具有了《BC省高中畢業生標準》中所要求的知識、技能、態度、能力,并達到所有畢業要求的學生,都可獲得加拿大BC省高中畢業文憑。畢業時,每一位學生都會收到正式成績單,記錄了學生完成的所有學分,并列出了相應的完成日期及成績水平。 According to BC high school graduation criteria, students are able to achieve BC high school graduation certificate after they meet all these graduation requirements. When they graduate, each student gets a transcript, which shows all course credits with relative complete dates and marks.
The Academic Advising Office assists students in choosing international institutions of higher education. The office works to assist students in their choice and in applying to Post-secondary education institutions. This year our Academic Office placed one hundred percent of our graduating Grade 12 students in over 45 International Universities including University of Toronto, UBC, McGill University and schools in the U.S. Switzerland, New Zealand, and Dubai.
免責聲明: 1. 為方便家長更好的閱讀和理解,該頁面關于學校信息描述可能采用了學校視角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我們”、“我?!钡鹊谝蝗朔Q指代學校本身。并不代表遠播公司或其觀點;2. 此網頁內容目的在于提供信息參考,來源于網絡公開內容,具體以學校官方發布為主;3. 若素材有侵權或其他問題,請聯系我們:2787266480@qq.com