時間:2019-09-27 10:49來源:天津泰達楓葉國際學校
Unique Canadian BC Program in Maple Leaf Education
天津泰達楓葉國際學校加方課程校長 瑞恩·沃倫查克
BC Principal, Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA Ryan Waurynchuk
It is my pleasure to contribute information regarding the British Columbia Graduation Program structure to the 5th Anniversary “Collection of Works”. I want to first congratulate Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA on its tremendous successes and dedication to students and excellence over the past 5 years! I know that much more success and growth is in the future for this great school!
The British Columbia Program at Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA is first and foremost focused on the development of the students – academically, morally, and socially. As such our program really begins with our core values. These core values are: respect, responsibility, honesty and hard work. Students are expected to aspire to and hold these values. A student who adopts these values into their lives, both inside and outside of the classroom, will be successful at Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA.
All students in the Grade 10 – 12 Graduation Program are registered with the Ministry of Education and receive BC Provincial Education Numbers (PEN). Upon graduation, students receive their graduation credential, called the ‘Dogwood Diploma’ not from Maple Leaf Educational Systems, but from the British Columbia Ministry of Education. All course content and standards are set by the Ministry of Education. These standards are called Prescribed Learning Outcomes (PLOs). PLOs outline the expectations for what students should know and be able to do at each grade and within each subject area. While a solid knowledge base in the basic skills will be maintained, to better prepare students for the future the BC Program at Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA focuses on key competencies like self-reliance, critical thinking, inquiry, creativity, problem solving, innovation, teamwork and collaboration, cross-culturalunderstanding, and technological literacy.
The precise structure of requirements for the British Columbia Graduation Program at Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA is clearly defined by the British Columbia Ministry of Education. In order to graduate, students must acquire a minimum of 80 credits. It must be pointed out that 80 credits is the very basic minimum and does not reflect a strong graduation. Many of our students graduate with 96, 100, or 104 credits.
Credits are earned through successful completion of courses. There are two types of credits: 1. Required credits earned from classes that students must complete and 2. Elective credits earned from classes that students choose to study. A student must acquire a total of 52 Required Credits are from the following courses:
English 10 English 11 or Communications 11 English 12 or Communications 12
Mathematics 10 Pre-calculus 11 or Pre-calculus 12 Social Studies 10
Social Studies 11 Science 10 a Science 11 course
Physical Education 10 Planning 10 a Fine Arts or Applied Skill course
Graduation Transitions
10年級英語 11年級英語或交流英語 12年級英語或交流英語
10年級數學 11年級微積分基礎或12年級微積分 10年級社會學
11年級社會學 10年級科學 11年級科學中的一門
10年級體育 10年級規劃 10年級藝術或者應用技巧課
In addition to the Required Credits, students must acquire a minimum of 28 Elective Credits from the list of available courses. Currently at Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA we have more than 50 courses that students may choice from to fulfill these Elective Credits and we are developing more each year based on student request.
The flexibility of the British Columbia Graduation Program at Maple Leaf International School – Tianjin TEDA allows for students to work toward graduation while developing their talents in areas that are interesting for them. This flexibility also allows students to pursue a well-rounded course of study that will require them to build different skills and abilities and to work in a variety of courses which will prepare them well for their future at universities in the West.
We are very proud of our BC Graduation Program. We also very proud of the fact that our students have the main responsibility for their learning program and challenge themselves daily with a variety of courses.
On this occasion of the 5th Anniversary and Open Week, I invite you to make an appointment with me to further discuss our program. I am most happy to welcome you to our campus.
Best wishes,
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